Service Areas
Shire of Donnybrook – Balingup

The Shire of Donnybrook – Balingup is located within the South West region.
BPP can provide all of your required bushfire risk assessment, planning, design, management and advice services within the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup. We specialise in providing the follow services within the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup; Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments, Bushfire Management Plans (BMP’s), Bushfire Hazard Assessments, Fuel Load Analysis, Bushfire Evacuation/Escape Plans, Bushfire Risk and Threat Management, Building Compliance and Certification (AS 3959-2009 compliance), implications of local and state policy (including; AS3959 – 2009 and Planning for Bushfire Protection Guidelines), policy and planning review (including; firebreak notices, Local Government reserve planning), legal and insurance services, expert advice, presentations and keynote speaking.
Shire of Donnybrook – Balingup Localities
- Argyle
- Balingup
- Brookhampton
- Donnybrook
- Grimwade
- Kirup
- Lowden
- Mullalyup
- Mumballup
- Newlands
- Noggerup
- Yabberup