Position Statement (Tourism in Bushfire Prone Areas) – Nov 2019
Position Statement: Tourism land uses within bushfire prone areas has been released by the State Government.
The Policy intent is outlined at the front of the statement:
The intent of this position statement is to provide guidance for tourism land uses within bushfire prone areas. The position statement maintains primacy for the protection of life but also recognises that the protection of property or infrastructure may be secondary to the social and economic development of a region.

Bushfire Prone Planning Staff are available to assist with your questions regarding the application of this Position Statement. We also welcome general enquiries regarding a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment for your next big project or an in depth Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) for a land development application. Our knowledgeable staff can be contacted on (6477 1144) or through the “Contact Us” section of our Website.